10 Tried-and-True Methods to Improve Your Communication Skills Right Now

2 min readApr 28, 2024

Whether at work or home, strong communication skills are essential for success. Fortunately, there are proven ways to rapidly elevate abilities with just a bit of effort. Here are 10 methods to become a better communicator starting today:

  • Active Listening

When others speak, focus completely on understanding them without thinking about your response. This level of presence and attention makes people feel valued. This is such a critical skill that it is often the first lesson taught in professional communication skills training.

  • Ask Purposeful Questions

When you ask questions, do so thoughtfully to learn more and go deeper into subjects. This stimulates engaging dialogue while demonstrating your genuine interest.

  • Make Assertive Statements

Confidently communicate your viewpoint without aggression or passiveness. This balances expressing yourself while respecting others.

  • Provide Constructive Feedback

Deliver criticism or critique with care, detail, and authentic positivity. This allows for growth without causing defensiveness.

  • Read Body Language

Notice nonverbal cues like facial expressions and posture to better understand what’s not said with words.

  • Avoid Interrupting

Let others fully finish speaking before you respond. This builds trust and shows respect.

  • Admit Mistakes

You need to acknowledge when you make a mistake. It’s only human after all! This builds credibility and accountability.

  • Concisely Clarify Messages

Confirm your interpretation of another’s message or idea to prevent misunderstandings by asking follow-up questions. You should summarize the key takeaways too.

  • Smoothly Shift Gears

Transition between topics skillfully by summarizing discussions before moving to new subjects. Learning how to do this can be quite challenging. However, a communication coach will be able to help you with it.

  • Seek Expert Guidance

If communicating effectively is a consistent struggle, work with a speaking coach. They will help you pinpoint and address unseen bad habits and develop a personalized training plan to help you excel.

Strengthening your communication skills takes deliberate effort but delivers immense rewards in all relationships. Commit to lifelong improvement one conversation at a time. Be patient with yourself and others as we all continue learning.




Moxie Institute provides industry-leading business communication, leadership training, and speaker coaching.